Der Einfluss von Trends und Ästhetik im Web auf das UserInnen-Verhalten - Eingrenzung des Forschungsgebietes durch eine User Experience-Testung mit Hilfe der aktuellen Webdesign Trends - Single-Page-Design und Parallaxen-Effekt

AuthorShadja El Aeraky

Publication type

Bachelor Thesis
Place PublishedSt. Pölten
Publication date 25.01.2015
Supervising TutorPeter Judmaier



With an average bandwidth of 3.7 megabits per second (in Austria), it is easily possible to access more complex websites quickly. In the past we had to wait many seconds to only display a picture, but the web has changed and the thought of the use too. This research paper is about the influence of aesthetic aspects on the user behaviour. The user experience test helped to analyse and to document the needs, concerns and desires of the subjects. A three-part interview ensures detailed information of the test persons and provides interesting results. The graphically illustrated data show the various tendencies of the test subjects very well.


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