Förderung der Mülltrennung von Lebensmittelverpackungen durch Hinweissymbole und eine mobile Aufklärungs-App 


Miriam Widhalm, BSc.



St. Pölten



SupervisorGernot Rottermanner



Nowadays, the topic of environmental protection and related areas such as recycling or resource conservation are the subject of frequent discussions. However, there is a lot of potential for improvement and education, especially in branching topics such as waste disposal. Despite the multitude of offers to support consumers with the correct separation of their waste, uncertainty prevails among the population. This is not exclusively, but to a large extent, due to the regional differences in collection, as well as the large variety of packaging materials, especially in the food sector.

This master thesis wants to show concrete challenges in the waste separation of food packaging, both on the part of waste management, as well as on the part of the consumers. For this purpose, three expert interviews were conducted with long-term employees in the waste management sector and an online questionnaire was sent out.

Furthermore, this work looks at existing educational offers and the approaches they use to motivate the population to improve waste collection. Based on the findings, an overall solution was designed that includes both separation-symbols for food packaging and an educational app. This concept was questioned and further developed in an interim evaluation and tested again in a two-part final evaluation.

The results show that the participants would support a nationwide application of these symbols and ask for a harmonized separation system throughout Austria. In addition, they are in favour of an application that offers practical added value beyond the educational aspect, such as reminders of collection dates or competitions.



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