Meaningful Play: Entwicklung einer webbasierten Gamification-Applikation für Jugendliche mit Zeitmanagementproblemen

AuthorNeuhauser, A.

Publication type

Master Thesis
Place PublishedSt. Pölten
Publication date 17.07.2014
Supervising TutorPeter Judmaier



Gamification is an informal umbrella term for the use of video game elements in non-gaming systems to improve user experience and user engagement. Games are powerful human motivators an encourage commitment. Gamification is a strat- egy that takes advantage of this game-specific potential outside of game-contexts.
The videogame generation has a very playful perspective on all aspects of every- day life, which explains the success of gamification in marketing and also in the business area.
Videogames and gamification are by no means limited to a personal computer. While there are some examples of analog gamification, the almost complete equipment with smartphones within the younger population is particularly interest- ing in this aspect. Gaming has become the fourth most frequent use of smartphones. Apps such as Foursquare and Nike+ have already demonstrated that the medium smartphone is a perfect platform for gamification.
In the course of this work, the mobile web application Task Kicker was developed. This app is a digital to-do list, in which game mechanics and game elements are included. It was designed in collaboration with a qualified mental trainer for chil- dren and adolescents. The target group consists of 10 to 13 year olds, who have problems with their personal time management. Usually they try to solve these problems with an analog work plan. Young people at this age are particularly at risk of failing to cope with the independence, required by their parents. The web app is designed to replace or to support the work plan.
As part of an evaluation day the application was tested by five of the trainer’s cli- ents. The evaluation consisted of a written survey, observation as well as a group interview with the young people and their parents. The potential and the limita- tions of gamification in this field of application has been detected, but also some problems and opportunities for improvement of the web app.

